My favorite baking tools + birthday giveaway
Birthdays. Do you love them or hate them? I feel like as a kid, there was always so much anticipation leading up to it, and it was hard for the day to always live up to the hype, and then it was over so quick. As a mom, it is hard for me to create a day for my kids that lives up to the hype. And for me? I hate being the center of attention and don’t feel like I properly know how to graciously accept all the wishes that are so nice to get.
me on my 30th birthday reading letters and recipes, all the tears and all the love
When I turned thirty (how am I older than 30?), my sisters and husband worked together to create the perfect keepsake gift for me. I cried my eyes out with love and gratitude, and it was the best way to spend that day. What did they do? They had close friends and family from all the years of my life write me letters AND had them send their favorite recipe. For someone who loves to bake, and who feels close to people sometimes through baking something they have baked, it was PERFECT. I will forever cherish that gift and that special day.
My special day is coming soon, and I want to share the love with you. I am giving away a little package of some of my favorite baking tools at the moment. One of you will receive an apron (color of your choosing), a 4-inch offset spatula, a little bottle of Heilala vanilla and vanilla bean paste, a half-pan Nordic Ware cookie sheet, 2 silicone baking mats, and 5 RW biodegradable piping bags.
Each item in detail:
1. Apron – I had been eyeing this apron for a long time, and then I got it as a gift at Christmas (Thanks Erika!!!), and I love it. It has pockets, and for every girl that might be enough to see you on it right there, but it also is light, has excellent coverage and comes in so many great colors, I have orange/red.
2. 4-inch offset spatula – I had a little favorite things exchange this Christmas, and I gave this offset spatula because I USE IT ALL THE TIME. Seriously, from moving cookies to cooling racks, decorating cakes and cookies, and flipping pancakes and grilled cheese. I love how little it is, and I seriously probably use it every day.
3. Heilala vanilla – I had seen a few of my favorite Instagram bakers using this, seen it in magazines, and I finally splurged on it (vanilla prices are still through the roof), and it was worth every penny. I am one of those bakers that adds an extra tsp to everything I bake, and vanilla to recipes that must have forgotten to add vanilla because I feel like vanilla gives life.
4. Nordic Ware cookie sheet – A few years ago, I dove deep into finding out what cookie sheets were the best because I was in the market, and I didn’t want to make the same mistake of just buying the cheapest thing I could get my hands on. I found that the most recommended baking sheets were these. And they actually don’t break the bank these days. They give a good, even bake and come in all kinds of sizes.
5. Silicone baking mats (similar here) – I am becoming more earth-conscious, and while it is a good thing, it scares me because I see how much waste I produce. I love parchment paper, but I have been trying to use silicone baking mats when I can, and I thought I didn’t like them, but it turns out I love them.
6. Restaurant Ware biodegradable piping bags – see above and then celebrate with me about these biodegradable piping bags from restaurant ware. I have a few reusable piping bags, and I know those are probably best for the environment, but washing them out and drying them makes me want to cry, so these are heaven sent! High quality, and come in all kinds of sizes too, I like the 12-inch for what I do best.
To be entered to win:
Make sure you are following me @sleepingmakesmehungry
Tag a friend that loves to bake, and in a separate comment, tell me your favorite birthday memory.
To get more entries tag more friends or get 5 bonus entries by sharing a post of mine to your stories.
Giveaway is open until January 20th, and the winner will be announced on January 21st.